Sunday, August 4, 2013

Your Truth

What matters to you? The answer to this question might seem obvious to you but it's not. You might think of your job, your partner, your family, your friends. Of course, they all matter a lot to you and they might all be at reach. And yet, you're still unhappy, unsatisfied and not at peace with the world. If you consider yourself a perfectly happy person, you can stop reading. In my case, it took a lot of reflection to find the missing piece of the puzzle. Like something misplaced, what I was looking for had been there the whole time, in plain sight: myself. It took me 34 years to realize that, first and foremost, I need to direct acceptance, attention and affection toward myself. Cognitive behavioral therapy helped me figure out the level of negativity I had been pouring on myself every single day of my life. Ingrained thought patterns had become automatic self-beating mental scripts, highlighting my flaws, limits, fears and weaknesses. However, I feel that it's ultimately plain and simple common sense: you cannot really appreciate anything in life until you start believing that the best thing in life is YOU!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Cage of stone

Search no more

Dreams are hidden

Behind the door


Ship of sorrows

In waters lost

Stars will tell you

What you’re longing most


No more fear

No more despair

All are bait

To Adam’s fate

-- MM

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Things - The Spirit of The 60s

I believe its design embodies the 60's more than anything else...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Words - Poems

Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire;

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To know that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

--Robert Frost
The beauty of words is that I don't need to add any to explain what I love about them.

Places - City

Places aren't what we think. The spirit of the city is in the promise of its lights, the shining of its glass and steel. What fascinates us are the same things that keep us from getting where we're longing to be. We like to believe that something exciting is happening behind those windows where those lights are shining. That's what I love about places: they're mirrors, reflections of those hopes and dreams we hold inside and can never get to.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


There are places on earth where the hand of God, the vision of a generation and the perfection of art and science meet. When that happens, Beauty is no longer an idea: you can walk into it, touch it, and live it. The village of Pienza, inspired by Leon Battista Alberti’s concept of “Ideal City”, is one of those places.

I might not be knowledgeable enough about history, philosophy and architecture but I will try to explain what the magic of Pienza is for me. Many grandiose architectural creations around the world make the visitor feel humbled with their striking features. Pienza’s Pio II square, by many standards relatively small, is yet so perfectly and beautifully proportioned that when I was there, for the first time in my life, I didn’t feel I was staring at a masterpiece, I felt part of it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Beauty of Time

Beauty is timeless, but we’re not. Therefore, we try to bring Beauty into the time we’re given. By wearing a beautiful wristwatch we can literally do it. Of course, a watch does not make our life better but it’s a very important object: it helps us keep track of our most precious and scarce resource. A good watch can easily outlive its owner and for many is also an inseparable companion in the journey. It’s often associated with memories of events and people that we hold dear and maybe, one day, when our time is up, will become a memory of us for our loved ones.